• The Skulpat Detox helps to restore healthy functioning of the body by ridding it of some of the toxic build up in the body and assists with restoring iron and minerals which modern living tends to destabilize.

  • Detox Capsules will assist the body to clean the stomach and colon of
    old faeces and worms

  • whilst cleaning the liver and gallbladder so as to
    clean and purify the blood.

  • Ridding the body of worms, fungals and
    bacteria will assist all organs of the body to work better.

  • • Improves blood circulation throughout the body.
    • Restores the elasticity of the veins.
    • Excellent for varicose veins.
    • It's excellent for leg ulcers. 

  • • Affecting pins and needles in the body.
    • Helps in reducing the numbness & cold in hands and feet.
    • May assists in alleviating the tension headaches.

  • • May addresses the over-weight problems.
    • It is  very effective when used by Diabetic or Hypertensive patients in conjunction with relevant chronic medication.